I have also made a baby quilt for a colleague from the hospice whose wife is expecting, he wanted a quilt with animals etc on so came up with this cot quilt it measures 45" x 36". I have done squiggly quilting in the yellow squares (FMQ) and assorted lines on the blocks with the walking foot, sorry quilting does not seem to show on the photo.
I made far more blocks than necessary so made a smaller one out of the left overs which measures 32" x 35"quilted in a similar way to the bigger one, not sure what this will be used for but it will just sit on the spare bed along with other quilts till someone wants it.
No stitching this weekend as have Alfie here and he is moulting all over the place but plan to push on with more syringe driver bags and also some tiny bags for rings to go in when returning them to relatives, Helen also said they would like some little bags for locks of hair that relatives request when they lose a dear one so will work on some of those too